Workers of the Asociación Patrimonial Cultural de la Región de Los Ríos met with national authorities

Workers of the Asociación Patrimonial Cultural de la Región de Los Ríos met with national authorities

In order to present its lines of action and the work carried out to date, members of the Cultural Heritage Association of the Los Ríos Region held two meetings with national authorities. In the first instance, Rubén Soto, Executive Director; Leyla Sade, Director of Heritage; and Liliana Ili, Director of Artistic Theater, spoke via telematic with Senator Bernardo Berger. On the occasion, Berger expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to meet the Cultural Heritage Association of the Los Ríos Region, emphasizing that “I was pleasantly surprised by the work that has been carried out, silently but dedicatedly and professionally from within the association, work that has been maintained despite all the difficulties involved, first the social outbreak, and then the health alert for covid-19”.

Afterwards, and also online, the directors of the association met with Congressman Patricio Rosas, who indicated that “it is good that this type of public-private corporation is being formed. I think this initiative is very valuable as it will be able to survey the diverse and varied cultural spheres that make up the Los Ríos region. I am glad that there is this cultural interest that can be expanded to all the communes. The deputy also pledged his support and wished success in future endeavors.

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