Asociación Patrimonial Cultural de la Región de Los Ríos held a meeting with members of the National Congress of Chile

Asociación Patrimonial Cultural de la Región de Los Ríos held a meeting with members of the National Congress of Chile

As part of the meetings that the Asociación Patrimonial Cultural de la Región de Los Ríos has been holding with senators and deputies of the region, this time, its base administration, headed by its Executive Director, Rubén Soto; Leyla Sade, Director of Heritage; and Liliana Ili, Artistic Director of Theater, held a meeting with Deputy Marcos Ilabaca, followed by Senator Alfonso de Urresti, both telematically. “I find it very interesting that today there is this association that establishes a strategic charter of operation in the areas of culture and heritage. I would like to express my full support as a parliamentarian in seeking support in the field of culture, art and heritage”, said Ilabaca.

Meanwhile, Senator Alfonso de Urresti, was very interested in the work being done by the association, in addition to committing all his support and experience to it. “It is important to work with different instances linked to heritage and culture in order to generate a network of collaboration. I believe that there are several initiatives that could be worked on in the future and in that line we are willing to collaborate in whatever is within our reach”, he concluded.

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