Elected Governor Luis Cuvertino assumed ceremony took place in Teatro Regional Cervantes

Elected Governor Luis Cuvertino assumed ceremony took place in Teatro Regional Cervantes

At 10 a.m., Wednesday, June 14, Luis Cuvertino was sworn in as the first Regional Governor of Los Ríos, in a ceremony held at the Cervantes Regional Theater, which had a reduced capacity due to the existing sanitary measures. At the ceremony, the new governor indicated the importance of working together to achieve the growth of the Los Ríos Region, in addition to the priority actions contemplated in his line of work. “Building political trust is an indispensable task to face the main challenges of the next juncture, but above all of the major national tasks in which the destiny of Chile and its people will be for the coming years”, he pointed out. He also indicated that “I am deeply grateful for the warm and enthusiastic support of simple men and women with a hard life but enlightened by good feelings”.

For his part, the now Presidential Delegate and former Intendant of Los Ríos, César Asenjo, expressed his commitment to work together with the Regional Governor. “I would like to cordially greet, congratulate and wish all our success to the Regional Governor, Luis Cuvertino, who today assumes this important task in the decentralization of the Los Ríos Region. Undoubtedly today is a historic day for democracy in our country, where we have an autonomous regional government that will continue to advance in development, equity and public investment”.

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