About Asociación Patrimonial Cultural.

About Asociación Patrimonial Cultural.

Constituted in April 2019, the Cultural Heritage Association Región de los Ríos,  is a non profit private law association. Its main objective is the enhancement of cultural heritage in the region. One of its main functions is the administration of the Cervantes Regional Theater as a cultural space. It counts with high standars equipment and  focus on training , dissemination and expression of the various artistic manifestations for the benefit of the cultural needs of the entire population. In addition to the joint work with the twelve communes of the region in the strengthening and development of both the area of heritage and culture.

Our vision

To be a reference in the positioning and cultural development at regional, national and international level. Relevant heritage and the arts, under a territorial equity with inclusion and transversal access, understanding its value as an essential factor in the development of the human being.
To transform the heritage hall into a Regional Theater of Los Ríos, a model of scenic programming of local, national and international projection, which consolidates an artistic repertoire, promotes identity and forms audiences in music, dance, theater and cinema.

Our mision

We are an Association that values the cultural heritage of Los Ríos region, giving visibility to the heritage and the different artistic and cultural samples of each of the twelve communes of our region; through an inclusive, sustainable and sustainable administration, promoting access and the encounter of people with the arts and heritage.
 We preserve, operate and maintain the Cervantes Regional Theater.




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