
Three historical monuments can be seen in this commune: the Casa de la Cultura de Máfil, former Casa Fehlandt, a building acquired by the municipality to carry out activities and artistic – cultural training for children, youth and adults.

The State Railway Complex, Station and Warehouse of Máfil: Estación Ferroviaria de Máfil, once vital part of the conformation of the commune, its initial economic development and a living testimony of the relevant role that this type of investment had for the growth of Chile.

Finally, the Ruins of the Pupunahue Coal Mine, vestiges of the industrial complex located on the banks of the San Pedro River, in the sector known as Pupunahue; place where a prototyping project for the coal production in Chile, financed by Corfo in the 40’s, was presented.

Also noteworthy are the formation of audiences, promotion of cultural practices, rescue and dissemination of local cultural heritage, strengthening identity through workshops, the process of which is provided by the municipality free of charge, by means of applications for state funding. Also, local meetings and exhibitions, circulation of plays, theater, concerts and artistic exhibitions.

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